Skin Body Health’s LED Light Therapy treats a wide range of dermatological conditions including, ageing, acne, photo-damage, non-melanoma skin cancers, skin rejuvenation, vitiligo and wound healing. Each treatment delivers pure, optimised, narrow band light via a matrix of LED’s carefully positioned to deliver a specific wavelength of light to the treatment area.
As we grow older, the amount of collagen, the major supporting protein of the body, diminishes. In addition, the skin becomes less flexible. This means that our skin becomes drier and thinner as the body’s natural regeneration process slows down, and the skin slowly loses its ability to retain moisture.
These effects are further compounded by the harmful UVA and UVB rays in sunlight. These damage the skin by producing enzymes that break down the skin’s supportive structure and so prevent the creation of new collagen.
Successfully restoring the skin overcomes the effects of time and exposure to the sun by stimulating the creation of new collagen. It also aids the detoxification of the skin.
And this is where Omni LED Light Therapy plays such a unique and valuable role.
Omni LED Light Therapy delivers a totally natural method of light-only skin rejuvenation which uses the body’s own natural processes to help counteract the effects of ageing. Unlike some anti-ageing treatments that work as a result of the body’s response to damage, LED Light Therapy stimulates natural processes to rejuvenate the skin.
LED Light Therapy is proven to stimulate cellular mechanisms responsible for tissue repair. Red light (633nm) therapy stimulates fibroblast activity, leading to faster and more efficient collagen synthesis and ECM proteins, the Red light therapy also increases cell vitality by increasing the production of cellular ATP. Omni Light infrared (830nm) stimulates the contractile phase of the remodeling process producing better lineated collagen. In combination these wavelengths work synergistically to produce better visible results and hence patient satisfaction.