Skin Est’s unique cavitation technology allows for non-invasive removal of stubborn fat deposits on the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, inner knees, upper arms and male breasts.
The Ultrasonic treatment safely and effectively targets localised fat deposits and reduces body circumference for successful body contouring. This procedure is done per area on specific parts of the body, such as buttock, stomach, love handles, arms, and inner thighs.
Our Ultrasonic process removes fat cells permanently through the process of cavitation. It also Improves skin texture and tightness and enhances body tone and shape.
Our clients have commented that the fat cavitation treatment feels more like a warm massage albeit with wonderful results. Like in all Ultrasounds a small amount of clear jell is applied to the treatment area to allow the smooth hand piece device to glide over the skin. Our fat cavitation machine uses ultrasonic waves that penetrate through the epidermis and dermis to the subcutaneous fat layer, the ultrasound breaks down the fat cells and liquifies the hard fat Triglycerides in these cells, these emulsified fats are then excreted through normal metabolic processes.
Our fat cavitation machine delivers great results naturally, improving both blood circulation and lymph circulation
An excellent cellulite therapy and connective tissue tightening process
Each area of unwanted fat is treated for 20 minutes. A maximum of 3 areas can be treated each week. The treatment has immediate results and delivers further additional fat reduction within the week following the procedure. As Ultrasonic Fat Cavitation is non-invasive, there is absolutely NO downtime.
People with certain medical conditions may not suitable for the treatment, you should seek further advice if you have or have had any of the following: kidney failure, liver failure, if you carry a pacemaker or other electronic devices, if you are pregnant or lactating, or suffer from hypertriglyceridemia, hypercholesterolemia.